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Second Days of Proceedings Trail of Bahadur Shah - Petition of Mirza Moghal, and Mirza Khair Sultan

Second Days of Proceedings Trail of Bahadur Shah - Petition of Mirza Moghal, and Mirza Khair Sultan

Secret Papers


April 11, 2023 at 6:01:25 AM

National archives of India


Second Days of Proceedings Trail of Bahadur Shah - Petition of Mirza Moghal, and Mirza Khair Sultan

The National Archives of India is located at the intersection of Rajpath and Janpath Road


August 06 , 1857






April 5, 2023 at 8:00:00 PM


Mohammed Abdulkarim


Mughal Library Copyright WaterMark.png

The Translation and Comment


 Mohammed Abdulkarim:

 of Original Document:


To—The  King  !  Shelter  of  the  World  ! 

RESPECTFULLY  SHEWETH,—That  owing  to  the  suspension  of all  remittances  to  and  from  the  Country,  there  is  at  present  a great  scarcity  of  money,  and  unless  a  mint  for  coinage  is  set  in operation,  it  will  soon  not  be  procurable.  We,  therefore,  pray that  your  Divine  Majesty’s  order  may  be  issued,  that  we  slaves, making  all  necessary  arrangements  connected  with  the measure,  may  have  the  operations  of  coinage  commenced. We  therefore  submit  enclosed  herein,  a  petition  from  a  person offering  to  contract  for  the mint,  and  from  Your  Majesty’s kindness  and  favour,  we  expect  that  this  tender  of  contract will  be  accepted.  It  was  necessary,  and  we  have  therefore submitted  it.  (Prayers  for  the  prosperity  of  the  reign).  Petition of  the  slaves,  Mirza  Muhammad  Zohur-ud-din,  and  Mirza Muhammad  Khair  Sultan. 

Autograph  order  of  the  King,  in  Pencil 


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