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The Bideford Weekly Gazette

The Bideford Weekly Gazette

Secret Papers


March 16, 2023 at 8:00:32 AM

British News Paper Archive

NORTH DEVON GAZATTE - A weekly free news paper , Barnstaple , on Wednesdays for the north Devon area Bideford , 1856-1870, 1884-1909

Devon, England

News Paper Department

February 10, 1860

Page 2

July 19, 2022 at 8:00:00 PM


Mohammed Q, Binghalib


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The Translation and Comment


Mohammed Q, Binghalib:

 of Original Document:



                                                     Bideford, Devon, England. .




By the arrival the Calcutta mall, letters and  files of papers have been received from Calcutta to Dec 23, and from Hong Kong to Dec. 15.


           China Expedition —Final orders have been received at Calcutta upon the China expedition. The details have not yet transpired, but eleven European regiments are to be despatched, with a strong force of Sikhs, 6,000 we are told, but popular report doubles that number. Tonnage is being very rapidly taken up in Calcutta, and 39 transports have, we believe, been already secured,No staff has yet been organized, and with the governor General at Meerut, Lord Clyde at roorkee, and Sir Hope Grant still in Oude, there is not much probability of immediate action.


Extinction the Rebel Force. The fortnight has been remarkable for the final extinction of the relics of the rebel force on the frontier of Nepaul. The Nana, it is now known, died of fever some few weeks ago. Azimoollah, his chief adviser in the Cawnpore massacre, survived him only a few days. This the man who traveled England, and received such extraordinary letters from English ladies—and who believed, it said, that their slaughter would terrify England into the surrender of India. Hunger, disease, and exposure did their work on about a dozen more among them Kboda Buksh, the rebel general; and Dabee Buksh, of Murgut Singh, of Bandah;Purwan Singh, of Azimgurh ; Goolab Singh, of Burria; Bainee Madhoo, of bhunkerpore; Khan Ally Khan, of Lucknow; and Hurdeo Persaud, Chuckladar of Hyderabad. 


          Jung Bahadoor seems to have been released by these deaths from bis obligation to protect his guests, and after months of hesitation ordered their expulsion. They were sent in one by one with detachments of aepovs. Among them are Khan Bahadur Khan, the man who set up regular government in Bareilly; Ummer Singh, brother of Koer Singh the Behar Zemindar, and feudal chief of all our Bhojpore sepoys Mamraoo Khan, the favorite of the Begum; Jomala Persaid, the Nanas second in command; the Ranee of Gondah; and 3,000 rank and file. man described as Feroze Khan, of Delhi, has also been given up, but this individual is not Feroze Shah, who broke out from the Terai and reached Bundelcund. The Sepoys are generally sent to their homes, but their ringleaders with all the chiefs, are reserved for trial. One or two of them, Mummoo Khan and Jomala Persad in particular, are steeped to the lips blood. The latter was one of the ftve who sat upon the raised platform at to watch the massacre; the Nana, Azimoollah, Tantia Topee, and Bala being the remaining four. 


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