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Maulvi Muhammed Zahur Ali Police officer of Najafgarh to the Emperor Has Communicated His Orders to the Thakurs Chaudhry Etc Prays that a Prince May Be Deputed With Sufficient Force to Suppress Rebellion and Establish Peace In Certain Villages

Maulvi Muhammed Zahur Ali Police officer of Najafgarh to the Emperor Has Communicated His Orders to the Thakurs Chaudhry Etc Prays that a Prince May Be Deputed With Sufficient Force to Suppress Rebellion and Establish Peace In Certain Villages

Secret Papers


May 3, 2023 at 5:39:07 AM

National archives of India


Maulvi Muhammed Zahur Ali Police officer of Najafgarh to the Emperor Has Communicated His Orders to the Thakurs Chaudhry Etc Prays that a Prince May Be Deputed With Sufficient Force to Suppress Rebellion and Establish Peace In Certain Villages

The National Archives of India is located at the intersection of Rajpath and Janpath Road


May 18, 1857






March 30, 2023 at 8:00:00 PM


Mohammed Abdulkarim


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The Translation and Comment


 Mohammed Abdulkarim:

 of Original Document:


To—The  King  !  Shelter  of  the  World  

             RESPECTFULLY  SHEWETH—That  the  orders  of  the  royal missive  have  been  fully  explained  to  all  the  Thakurs,Chowdnaries,  Kanungoes,  and  Patwaris,  of  this  township  of Najaf  Garh,  and  the  best  arrangements  have  been  established. Further,  that,  agreeably  to  Your  Majesty’s  injunctions,  steps  are being  taken  to  collect  horsemen  and  footmen,  and  it  is  explained  to  them,  that  their  allowances  will  be  paid  from  the  Revenue  of  this  Division  of  the  District.  Your  Slave’sassurances on  this  point,  however,  will  not  be  believed,  till  some Ghazees,!8  recently  engaged,  shall  have  arrived.  As  regards Nagli  Kakrowla,  Dachaoo-Kallan,  and  other  adjacent  Villages, your  Slave  hasto  represent,  that,  unrestrained  by  the  dread  of consequences,  and  bent  on  all  sorts  of  excesses,  the  inhabitants have  commenced  plundering  travellers.  Two  petitions  regard- ing  the  conduct  of  these  lawless  disturbers  of  the  peace  have already  been  submitted,  and  I  am  now  in  hopes  that  some Royal  Prince  of  reputation  and  capacity,  may  be  deputed, with  a  sufficient  force  of  Cavalry,  Infantry  and  Ghazees,  to settle  the  portion  of  the  Country  constituting  your  petitioner’s jurisdiction,  your  Slave  will  then  point  out  these  lawless Villagers,  and  will  be  able  for  the  future  to  preserve  order, and  prevent  crime.  If  delay  or  indecision  is  allowed  to  occur, many  lives,  it  is  to  be  feared,  will  be  sacrificed.  Some  of  the Establishment  at  this  Station  were  very  much  straitened  in pecuniary  means,  and  had  no  choice  but  to  go  away.  If  with kind  consideration,  therefore,  some  funds  are  granted,  aportion  will  be  given  to  the  men  here  referred  to,  and  horsemen and  footmen  will  be  entertained  to  preserve  order.  But  your Majesty  is  the  Lord  and  Master.  This  petition  is  forwarded to  your  Majesty  by  the  hands  of  the  cartmen  who  were  recently subjected  to  lawless  treatment.  I  would  beg  that  Your Majesty’s  orders  may  be  sent  by  these  men.  (Prayers  for  the King’s  prosperity).  Signed  and  Sealed,  the  Slave  Muhammad Zohur  Ali,  Police  Officer  of  Najaf  Garh. 

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