Enquiry about Firuz Shah(Karim Us-Shuja) on 9th November 1868 at Shahjehanpore
Enquiry about Firuz Shah(Karim Us-Shuja) on 9th November 1868 at Shahjehanpore
Secret Papers
March 15, 2023 at 6:04:56 AM
National Archives of India,Delhi
Enquiry about Firuz Shah( Karim Us-Shuja) on 9th November 1868 at Shahjehanpore
The National Archives of India is located at the intersection of Rajpath and Janpath Road
Foriegn Department
November 9, 1868
July 30, 2022 at 8:00:00 PM
Mohammed Q, Binghalib

No. 1322, dated 9th November 1868.
From-W. S. SETON-KARR, Esq., Secy. to Govt. of India, Foreign Dept., with G. G.
To-LIEUT.-COL. R. J. MEADE, C.S.I., Agent, Governor General, for Central India.
I AM directed by the Viceroy and Governor General in Council to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. 86, dated 26th October last, and of its enclosures, relative to certain treasonable overtures which are said to have been made in the interest of Feroze Shah to the Maharaja of Chirkari, through a resident of Shahjehanpore in the North-Western Provinces.
2. In reply, I have the honor to inform you that these communic¹ tions had already been brought demi-officially to the notice of the Supreme Government by the Lieutenant-Governor of the North-Western Provinces, who, judging by the known loyalty of the Chirkari State, thought it unnecessary to attach any great importance to the part of the question which affected the Chirkari Durbar. 3. His Excellency in Council inclines, in the present state of his information, to your opinion, which is also that of Sir W. Muir; but as it s desirable to be prepared against any contingencies and to neglect no warning's of any kind on such a subject, the Magistrate of Shahjehanpore has been told to enquire into the alleged circumstances, and the Government of the North-Western Provinces has been requested to watch the case.
No. 1323.
COPY of this letter to Government, North-Western Provinces, for information