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Confidential Memo Dated Yarkund 25th Nov 1873 and Dated Kashgar 11th Dec 1873 During Mughal Emperor Humayun II 1858-1877

November 24, 1873

Belongs To
Mirza Firuz Shah

Held At
The National Archives of India

Humayun II 1858-1877
Since the last mail bag was despatehed l have had some trouble, owing to a strong attempt made by some evil designed persons to excite a religious feeling against the Hindustan; and anonymous and false complaints were
Brought Before Syud Yakoob Khan. here was good ground for suspecting Bunyad Ali to be the primary mover in this business, and circumastances transpired which obliged me to place Faiz Buksh. in confinement and to search his papers.
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