Enquiry of Firuz Shah (Karim Us-Shuja) dated 24th February 1874 at Fort William. During Mughal Emperor Humayun II 1858-1877

February 23, 1874

Belongs To
Firuz shah (Karim Us-Shuja)

Held At
National Archives of India,Delhi

Humayun II 1858-1877
No. 512P., dated Fort William, 24th February 1874.
From-Secretary to the Government of India, Foreign Department,
To-Her-Majesty's Envoy stul-Plenipotentiary to Yarkund.
I AM to acknowledge receipt of your letter No. 110, dated 11th December 1873, announcing the arrival of the Yarkund Mission at Kashgar.
2. It has afforded His Excellency the Viceroy and Governor-General in Council much gratification to hear of the honorable reception that has been necorded to the Mission by the Ameer, and His Excellency in Council desires that an expression of these sentiments may be communicated to His Highness.
3. The title assumed by His Highness wi be used in future communications.
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