Minnie by the Honorable J. Lowis ,—dated the 5th April 1850. During Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah II 1837–1857
April 5, 1850
Belongs To
Emperor Bahadur Shah
Held At
National Archives of India,Delhi
Bahadur Shah II 1837–1857
The measures proposed in the despatch of the 16th Febru-ary 1819 from the Governor-General to the Hon’ble Court appear to me to combine strict justice with the soundest and wisest policy, and I regret exceedingly that His Lordship should see reason to doubt the expediency of carrying them fully into execution. It can scarcely be the design of any one to bring the title of King into discredit and disgrace, or to add insult to the misfortunes of the House of Timour by mockery, yet I am satisfied that no one can read the Palace Diaries which we receive from Delhi without feeling’ that the present condition of affairs does all this, or without an earnest desire that the solemn farce which has been played there for so many yearsliouid be abolished.
I do not share in the apprehensions of those wlio antici- pate a great sensation among onr MaliomeJaii subjects from the abolition of this titular Sovereignty, because I believe the thing has been known for many years to be a mere pretence and has been despised accordingly. But if these fears are not groundless, surely they afford a positive reason for taking the proposed step, because the result anticipated, as it appears to me, can arise only if the Mahomedans (no doubt the most restless and discontented of our subjects) have continued to look upon the representative of the House of Timour as their natural head, and to count upon the Pal.aee of Delhi as a rallying point in the event of any general outbreak amongst them. If it be so (and these men have no access to Palace
Diaries), it is surely sound policy on the first favorable oppor-tunity to remove the head and put the projected rallying point into safe hands.
'With these views, I need hardly add that supposing thetitular Sovereignty to bo maintained, I think it will still bo
exceedingly expedient to obtain possession of the Palace, and that I entirely concur with the Governor-General as to theabsolute necessity of the fast increasing body of of the privilege of lawlessness which they at present
I shall be very glad if, on a reconsideration of the subject,the Honble Court secs reason to substitute a more peremptory for the merely permissive despatch now under considera-tion, and instruct us to carry into full effect the measures proposed in the Gov'ernor-GcueraPs original communication onthis important question.
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