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The Baghel Rajput Clan During Mughal Emperor Jahangir II 1920-1948

October 31, 1930
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Jahangir II 1920-1948
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The Baghel Rajpats, who have given their name to Baghelkhand or Rewah, the eastern part of Central India, are a branch of the Chalukya or Solankhi clan, one of the four Agnikulas or those born from the firepit on Mount Abu.


Introduction / History

Starting in the 5th century, there was a massive attack by the White Huns in what is now northern and northwestern India and Pakistan. About a century later the reigning Hindu-based Gupta Empire broke up, leaving the Subcontinent vulnerable to Muslim invaders from the north. As time went on, invaders took over land and integrated with the settled peoples of this region. Tribal leaders, especially those involved with defense, were accepted as Kshatrya, the second highest varna (major type of castes) in Hindu society, while their followers became the fourth and lowest varna. Priests became the Brahmins, the highest of the four varnas.

The Rajputs, who were part of the Kshatrya varna, became politically important in the seventh century. From around 800CE Rajput dynasties ruled northern India. Petty Rajput kingdoms were the main obstacle for Muslim domination of the Hindu subcontinent. For more than 500 years Rajputs were the warriors who defended kingdoms from invaders and conquered others. When possible, Rajputs settled down, became nobles, and enjoyed the lives of landed gentry.

Over a period of a couple hundred years, invaders penetrated the Rajput wall that protected the Subcontinent. Some Rajput subgroups converted to Islam during this time. The British Raj took over the Islamic Moghul Empire in South Asia. During their rule, which ended in 1947, the British recruited Rajputs into their military units. By the 1930s the Indian census did not note that someone is Rajput, so Rajput lineage has been less clear ever since.

In the early 1970s, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi abolished Rajput titles and property rights. The Rajputs have kept alive their proud history of conquest, bravery and military might.

Where Are they Located?

The Baghel Rajputs live in the Indian states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh.

What Are Their Lives Like?

Though Baghel Rajputs are still in the armed forces or own land, some have moved on to other livelihoods. Rajputs who aren't so fortunate work as small businessmen or wage laborers.

Baghel Rajputs try to marry their daughters into clans of higher rank than their own. The Rajput clans in Rajasthan have the highest status, so families want their daughters to marry men from that state. Unfortunately, Rajputs often marry their daughters off while they are very young.

What Are Their Beliefs?

Forward caste Hindus often become devotees of a couple of gods. Typically, Rajputs worship Shiva (the destroyer), Surya (the sun god), and Durga (the mother goddess). They also have patron gods to turn to for protection. They celebrate Dasahara, a festival dedicated to Durga. During this festival, they sacrifice a buffalo to celebrate this goddess' victory over a buffalo demon.

Many Rajput Hindus are looking for self-realization and self-awareness. To find spiritual answers, Hindus often turn to gurus, who are experts in spirituality.

What Are Their Needs?

Baghel Rajputs are going through an identity crisis. They can no longer depend on land ownership or military careers, especially with the Indian government reserving prestigious jobs for "backward" (ie, underprivileged) castes. Believers with the right skills can help them during this time of transition.



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