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Map of Persia and Adjacent Countries, for Sir John Malcolm's History of Persia During Mughal Emperor Akbar Shah II 1806–1837

Mirza Firuz Shah
Akbar Shah II 1806–1837
Stacked Wooden Logs


"Sir John Malcolm (1769-1833) was a British soldier, colonial administrator, diplomat, linguist, and historian. He was born in Scotland, left school at age 12, and, through an uncle, secured a position in the East India Company. While stationed in various parts of India as an officer in the company's military forces, he became interested in foreign languages, which he studied diligently. He became fluent in Persian and, over the years, served as an interpreter and British envoy to Persia in various capacities.

In 1815, he published his History of Persia, which earned him an honorary doctorate from Oxford University. This map by Aaron Arrowsmith (1750-1823) was produced for Malcolm's history. Arrowsmith was one of the premier map publishers of the day. His firm was known for rendering the latest geographical findings into impressively detailed maps. His nephew, John Arrowsmith (1790-1873), took over the firm after his death." World Digital Library.

- Covers Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, most of Pakistan, portions of Turkey and Syria, and the surrounding countries.
- Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image.
- LC copy imperfect: Chipped on edges.

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