Portuguese Map of India During Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan 1627–1658


Mirza Firuz Shah


Shah Jahan 1627–1658
Detail of India, from a 1630 Portuguese map of Asia, entitled Taboas geraes de toda a navegação, divididas e emendadas por Dom Ieronimo de Attayde com todos os portos principaes das conquistas de Portugal delineadas por Ioão Teixeira cosmographo de Sua Magestade, anno de 1630 (General tables of all the navigation, divided and corrected by D. Jeronimo de Ataide, with all the ports and conquests of Portugal delineated by Joao Teixeira, cosmographer of His Majesty, Year 1630"
Source: Taboas geraes de toda a navegação
Author: Jeronimo de Ataide, João Teixeira
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