Tabula IX Asiae (During Mughal Empire Ulugh Beg II Era) During Mughal Emperor Ulugh Beg II 1507–1526



Ulugh Beg II 1507–1526
Fries's Ptolemaic map "Tabula IX Asiae" from the same atlas, published in a second edition (Strasbourg: Johann Koberger, 1525); with modern hand colouring
Map of ancient Gedrosian and Drangianan lands in modern day Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.
Relief shown pictorially.
Includes names of places and natural features.
In margins: climatic and latitudinal notes.
Descriptive text within ornamental borders on verso.
Appears in the author's Geographia, translated by Willibald Pirckheimer, with annotations by Joannes Regiomontanus. Argentoragi [i.e. Strasbourg] : Iohannes Grieningerus, communibus Iohannis Koberger impensis excudebat, anno a Christi Natiuitate 1525 tertio Kal[endas] Apriles.
Text in Latin.
Cataloging, conservation, and digitization made possible in part by The National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor.
Mughal Library (www.mughallibrary.com)
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