This letter is addressed to the governor of Portugal in India, Nuno da Cunha.Download PDFLetter from Bahadur Padshah of Gujarat (0942/1535)Hijri CalendarRabi' II 942 Gregorian Calendar29.9.1535 Typenamah CategoryLetters and Correspondence ScriptNasta'liq ArchiveArquivos Nacionais (Lisbon) Publication Qa'im-Maqami, Jahangir. "Mu'arrifi-yi chand sanad az qalamru-yi zaban-i farsi." Farhang-i Iran Zamin 25 (1361/1982): 372-81. 375 Keywordsdiplomatic relations IndividualsBahadur Shah | Nuno da Cunha PlacesGujarat | Portugal | India