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First Days of Proceedings Trail of Bahadur Shah - Order attested with the seal engraved in the Emperors special Cypher

First Days of Proceedings Trail of Bahadur Shah - Order attested with the seal engraved in the Emperors special Cypher

Secret Papers


April 11, 2023 at 6:40:59 AM

National archives of India


First Days of Proceedings Trail of Bahadur Shah - Order under the seal engraved in the Emperor special Cypher

The National Archives of India is located at the intersection of Rajpath and Janpath Road


June 05 , 1857






April 2, 2023 at 8:00:00 PM

Mohammed Abdulkarim


Mughal Library Copyright WaterMark.png

The Translation and Comment


 Mohammed Abdulkarim:

 of Original Document:


To—The  Men  of  the  Royal  Levies,  and  one  Company  of 

the  British  Native  Infantry,  constituting  the  Guard  at 

the  Lahore  Gate. 

      To  the  effect,  that  some  pipes  of  spirits,  offensive  to  the sight,  and  forbidden  by  the Mahomedan  religion,  were  taken in  plunder.  That  three  of  these,  of  the  large  size,  were  left  in the  Magazine  for  the  manufacture  of  Powder;  that  one  was sent  to  the  Hospital  to  the  Doctor,  and  that  the  rest  are  now bestowed,  according  to  the  detail  below,  on  the  Writers  of  the Kayasth  caste,  old  servants  of  the  King.  It  is  therefore  incum- bent,  that no  hindrance  to  the  conveyance  of  the  pipes  to  the houses  of  the  Writers  may  be  offered  at  the  Gate.  They  will be  removed  according  to  these  orders,  of  our  Royal  presence, and  no  man  accordingly  is  to  question  or  hinder  their  re- moval. 


Munshi  Mukund  Lal                               1  Pipe 

Sheo,  late  Clerk  in  the  private  Office  of 

the  King                                                   1  Pipe 

Samman,  late  Inspector  of  the  Farash 

Khana                                                       1  Pipe 

Sukhan  Lal  and  Juwalla  Prasad           1  Pipe 

Sant  Lal,  Lakshman  Das,  Officers  of  the 

Pay  Department                                      1  Pipe 

Jowalea  Nath                                          1  Pipe 

To  the  Doctor  at  the  Hospital             1  Pipe


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