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First Days of Proceedings Trail of Bahadur Shah - Petition of Karim Bakhsh, alias Natthua, No date, Date of Emperors order

First Days of Proceedings Trail of Bahadur Shah - Petition of Karim Bakhsh, alias Natthua, No date, Date of Emperors order

Secret Papers


April 11, 2023 at 6:13:07 AM

National archives of India


First Days of Proceedings Trail of Bahadur Shah - Translation of a Firman from Delhi, addressed to Muhammad Khan Nawab of Najibabad

The National Archives of India is located at the intersection of Rajpath and Janpath Road


July 22 , 1857






April 4, 2023 at 8:00:00 PM


Mohammed Abdulkarim


Mughal Library Copyright WaterMark.png

The Translation and Comment


 Mohammed Abdulkarim:

 of Original Document:


To—The  King  !  Divine  and  Merciful  


       RESPECTFULLY  SHEWETH—That  a  week  or  ten  days  ago, Jawahar  Bakhsh,  Private  of  the  11th  Regiment  of  Infantry, stole  a  black  female  mule,  the  property  of  your  slave,  from the  street  known  as  the  Kazi-ka-Howz.  Your  slave,  with much  difficulty,  found  the  mule  after  five  days’  search,  when Jawahar  Bakhsh  restored  it,  after  taking  eleven  rupees  for doing  so.  Three  days  subsequently  to  this,  the  said  Private, accompanied  by  another,  came  to  your  slave’s  house,  which  is situated  in  the  Turkoman  Police  jurisdiction,  and  seizing  him as  a  delinquent,  took  him  before  Mirza  Sultan  Beg,  Doctor  of the  lith  Regiment  of  Infantry.  The  Doctor  placed  your  slave in  arrest  and  said  the  mule  was  his,  and  that  your  slave  should either  bring  the  animal,  or  remain  a  prisoner.  Fearing  that his  life  was  in  jeopardy,  your  slave  made  the  mule  over,  when the  eleven  rupees  he  had formerly  given,  were  returned.  ‘The truth  is,  that  about  five  months  ago,  your  slave  purchased  the animal  in  question  from  Ramzan  Khan,  Risaldar,  of  the  5th Troops,  8th  Regiment  of  Irregular  Cavalry,  who  isa  resident of  Delhi.  Your  slave  prays  that  with  fostering  concern  for  the protection  of  the  poor,  Your  Majesty  will  inquire  of  the  above- mamed  Risaldar,  and  of  four  or  five  other  Officers  of Regiment,  so  that  your  slave  may  obtain  justice,  and  ever  pray for  your  Majesty’s  prosperity.  It  was  necessary,  and  has  there- fore  been  submitted.  (Prayers  for  the  prosperity  of  the  reign.) Petition  of  the  slave  Karim  Bakhsh,  alias  Natthua,  claimant  for justice,  proprietor  of  the  mule. 


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