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Second Days of Proceedings Trail of Bahadur Shah - Address from Mirza Moghal on the part of the Emperor attested with the Official Seal of the Commander- in-Chief rambling and unconnected and from the style appearing to have been written from the Emperors dictation

Second Days of Proceedings Trail of Bahadur Shah - Address from Mirza Moghal on the part of the Emperor attested with the Official Seal of the Commander- in-Chief rambling and unconnected and from the style appearing to have been written from the Emperors dictation

Secret Papers


April 11, 2023 at 5:57:39 AM

National archives of India


Second Days of Proceedings Trail of Bahadur Shah - Address from Mirza Moghal on the part of the Emperor attested with the Official Seal of the Commander- in-Chief rambling and unconnected and from the style appearing to have been written from the Emperors dictation.

The National Archives of India is located at the intersection of Rajpath and Janpath Road


August 09 , 1857






April 5, 2023 at 8:00:00 PM


Mohammed Abdulkarim


Mughal Library Copyright WaterMark.png

The Translation and Comment


 Mohammed Abdulkarim:

 of Original Document:


       To—The  Officers  of  the  Bullumtair  (Volunteer)  Paltan, 36th  Regiment  of  Native  Infantry. The  orders  of  the  Royal  presence  are  to  the  following effect  : In  the  first  place,  it  is  to  be  observed,  that  setting  aside  all regards  for  my  own  life  even,  I  have  done  all  in  my  power  to satisfy  and  please  the  soldiery  in  every  matter.  The  reason was,  I  had  assured  the  Army  that  I  should  regard  them  as  my own  children.  The  petulance  of  one’s  own  child  has  to  be borne  with,  and  so I  have  borne  with  yours,  indulging  you  in all  your  wishes.  But  it  is  tc  be  deplored  that  you  have,  not with standing,  shown  no  concern  for  my  life,  and  have  had  no consideration  for  my  old  age.  It  is  incumbent  on  you  now  to reflect  on  my  infirmities,  and  the  changes  my  health  is  momen tarily  undergoing  The  care  of  my  health  was  altogether in  the hands of  the  Physician,  Ahsan  Ulla  Khan,  who  kept  himself constantly  informed  of  the  changes  it  underwent  Now,  there is  none  to  cire  for  me,  but  God,  while  the  changes  in  my health  are  such  as  may  not  be  imagined.  All  the  Soldiers  and Officers  ought  now,  therefore,  to  gratify  me  in  this  matter,  as I  have  even  indulged  them  in  every  wish of  theirs,  and  should remove  the  guard  at  present  over  the  Physician,  and  release him  from  arrest,  so  that  he  may  be  at  liberty  to  come  and  go, whenever  he  may  think  it  necessary  to  examine  my  pulse. Moreover,  if  my  enemy  is  instigating  you,  you  should  not  heed his  insinuations.  Should  any  one  insinuate  suspicions  against the  Physician  you  should  tell  him  to  intercept  some  letter attested  with  the  Seal;  and  bring  it  to  you,  that  you  may  have proof  that  he  is  an  enemy;  and  that  you  will  then  yourselves punish  him.  Furthermore,  the  property  that  was  plundered from  the  Physician’s  house  belonged  to  the  King  It  is  there fore  proper  that  it  should  be  traced  and  collected,  and  should be  sent  to  our  presence,  and  that  the  people,  through  whose instigation  it  was  plundered,  should  be  adequately  punished, agreeably  to  the  decision  of  the  Court.  If  you  are  not  disposed to  comply  with  these  requests  let  me  be  conveyed,  in  safety,  to the  Khwaja  Sahib.  I  shall  there  sit  and  employ  myself  in  the occupation  of  a  Mujawir  and,  if  this  even  is  acceded  not  to, I  shall  relinquish  every  concern,  and  go away.  Let  those  who think  they  can  detain  me,  attempt  todo  so.  Not  having  been killed  by  the  hands  of  English,  I  shall  be  killed  by  yours. Further  the  oppression  that  is  at  present  being  inflicted  on  the people,  is  not  inflicted  on  them,  it  is  inflicted  on  me.  It  is incumbent  on  you  all  to  take  measures  to  prevent  it.  Or  let me  have  my  answer,  and shall  shallow  a  diamond  and  kill myself  Moreover  on  the  plunder  of  the  Physician’s  house,  a small  box  containing  our  Seal  was  carried  away.  No  paper, of a   date  subsequent  to  the  7th  August  1857,  bearing  the  impression  of  that  Seal,  will  be  valid. 

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