Instructions From the C-in-C (Mirza Mughal) to Mirza Amir Beg to Guard the Bridge of Chhawla and the Supplies Coming to Delhi.(B) Amir Beg Risaldar, Says that His Men Refuse to obey the above Orders Because they Have Not Been Paid their Due For a Long Time.
Instructions From the C-in-C (Mirza Mughal) to Mirza Amir Beg to Guard the Bridge of Chhawla and the Supplies Coming to Delhi.(B) Amir Beg Risaldar, Says that His Men Refuse to obey the above Orders Because they Have Not Been Paid their Due For a Long Time.
Secret Papers
March 8, 2023 at 5:24:50 AM
National Archives of India,Delhi
(A) Instructions From the C-in-C to Mirza Amir Beg to Guard the Bridge of Chhawla and the Supplies Coming to Delhi.(B) Amir Beg Risaldar, Says that His Men Refuse to abey the above Orders Because they Have Not Been Paid their Due For a Long Time (16 Muhar
The National Archives of India is located at the intersection of Rajpath and Janpath Road
September 06, 1857
Mohammed Q, Binghalib
Timurid (Persian/Turkish/Arabic)