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Shaikh Muhd. Mitthu to Chaudharis and Qanongos etc, for Dadri list. Directs them to handover all losts of income derived from villages Maludeh, Lohari, etc to Alimatun Nisa Begum

Shaikh Muhd. Mitthu to Chaudharis and Qanongos etc, for Dadri list. Directs them to handover all losts of income derived from villages Maludeh, Lohari, etc to Alimatun Nisa Begum

Secret Papers


March 13, 2023 at 3:10:23 AM

National Archives of India, Delhi

Shaikh Muhd. Mitthu to Chaudharis and Qanongos etc, for Dadri list. Directs them to handover all losts of income derived from villages Maludeh, Lohari, etc to Alim un nisa Begum


July 15,1803



Mohammed Q. Binghalib

Timurid (Persian/Turkish/Arabic)

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