Fourth Days of Proceedings Trail of Bahadur Shah - Order under the seal engraved in the Emperors special cypher
Fourth Days of Proceedings Trail of Bahadur Shah - Order under the seal engraved in the Emperors special cypher
Secret Papers
April 11, 2023 at 5:47:33 AM
National archives of India
Fourth Days of Proceedings Trail of Bahadur Shah - Order under the seal engraved in the Emperors special cypher
The National Archives of India is located at the intersection of Rajpath and Janpath Road
July 29 , 1857
April 9, 2023 at 8:00:00 PM
Mohammed Abdulkarim

The Translation and Comment
Mohammed Abdulkarim:
of Original Document:
To—Brindaban alias Bindi Mall, Treasurer to the Artillery.
To the effect that a bond, under our special Seal, for 4,198 Rupees and 94 Annas for the distribution of six months’ pay to the Artillery, as being bestowed on you our slave, itis incumbent on you to arrange that this money be eforth+ coming. Be assured that the funds on loan promised by the City Merchants, will now be very soon realized by Rai Mukand Lal, when the amount of this bond will be repaid with every fraction of interest. Entertain every confidence that most stringent orders will be issued for the speedy repayments to you of this loan, and that it will be very soon repaid. Consider this order imperative, and act as you are being written to.