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The Emperor to Rao Bhara Raja of Kutch Bhoj is Glad to Hear that he Has Killed all the Englishmen In His Territory

The Emperor to Rao Bhara Raja of Kutch Bhoj is Glad to Hear that he Has Killed all the Englishmen In His Territory

Secret Papers


April 19, 2023 at 9:21:32 AM

National archives of India


The Emperor to Rao Bhara Raja of Kutch Bhoj is Glad to Hear that he Has Killed all the Englishmen In His Territory



August 07 , 1857






April 18, 2023 at 8:00:00 PM


Mohammed Abdulkarim


Mughal Library Copyright WaterMark.png

The Translation and Comment


 Mohammed Abdulkarim:

 of Original Document:


To--The  ever  Fatthful,  Rao  Bhara,  the  Ruler  of  Kutch 



      Consider  youself  receiving  the  Royal  favour,  and  know  ! That  Girdhari  Singh,  Subadar  of  the  Grenadier  Company  of the  16th  Regiment  of  the  Bombiy  Native  Infantry,  being introduced  by  the  adviser  of  the  State,  the  honoured  of  the country,  the  special  slave,  Muhammad  Bakht  Khan,  Governor General  Bahadur,  has  come  into  the  Royal  presence  and affirmed,  that  you,  ever  faithful  one,  having  put  the  whole  of the  infidels?  to  the  sword,  have  thoroughly cleansed  and purified  your  domains  of  their  unclean  presence.  We have  been  extremely  gratified  to  hear  of  such  conduct  on  your part,  and  you  are  therefore  honoured  with  this  address,  to  the intent,  that  you  will  institute  such  arrangements  throughout your  territory,  as  that  none  of  the  creatures  of  God  may  in any  way  be  aggrieved  or  oppressed.  Further,  should  any numbers  of  infidels  reach  your  dominions  by  sea,  you  will  have them  slain.  In  doing  this  you  will  act  entirely  in  accordance with  our  pleasure  and  wishes;  and  all  such  desires,  as  you  will entertain,  and  all  such  requests,  as  you  will  make  to  our presence,  will  in  every  point  be  acceded  to.  Be  assured  ofour  kindness.  One  copy,  and  extract  transcript.  To  the ever  faithful  Rawal  Ranjit  Singh,  Ruler  of  Jasalmir.  Dated 11 th  August  1857. 

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