The Emperor to (General Shahzada Mirza Sultan Muhammad Zahir ud-din C in C Mirza Mughal). Directs him to Guard the Prisonal Carefully So that Money May Escape Form the Jail (Delhi)
The Emperor to (General Shahzada Mirza Sultan Muhammad Zahir ud-din C in C Mirza Mughal). Directs him to Guard the Prisonal Carefully So that Money May Escape Form the Jail (Delhi)
Secret Papers
April 10, 2023 at 5:09:57 AM
National Archives of India
Subject: The Emperor to (General Shahzada Mirza Sultan Muhammad Zahir ud-din C in C Mirza Mughal). Directs him to Guard the Prisonal Carefully So that Money May Escape Form the Jail (Delhi).
The National Archives of India is located at the intersection of Rajpath and Janpath Road
July 15, 1857
April 9, 2023 at 8:00:00 PM
Muhammad Q. Binghalib

The Translation and Comment
Mohammed Abdulkarim:
of Original Document:
To—Mirza Moghal.
Son,—The illustrious and valiant Mirza Muhammad Zohur-ud-din, otherwise Mirza Moghal Bahadur, Learn! That, just now, we are under the necessity of raising a temporary loan, at an interest of one per cent, per mensem, from the Merchants Of the City, to defray the allowances of the Army. Many of the merchants paid up the amouncs that were claimed from them. Others, however, on the ground of non-payment, were apprehended and brought to the Palace by the Soldiers of the Royal Levies, and are now detained as prisoners in the Captain’s Guard, attached to the Office of the Court Chamberlain. We have just heard that with the collusion of some Infantry Soldiers, the relations of these merchants have devised plans to liberate them from custody. Even just now a Private of theInfantry coming from the direction of the Guard at the Lahore Gate of the City, which is included in the Tamaku-ka-kutra, entered the Captain’s Guard; and on the instigation of one Lakshmiram, said he would take away Lakshmiram’s son. The Officers and men of the Guard interposing, the Private in question used much violent language towardsthem, and even threatened to shoot them and liberate the lad. From the representations of the Officers, it is further ascertained that he will return in the afternoon, accompanied by 18 or 20 other soldiers, in order to raise a disturbance with the men of the Captain’s Guard. You, our son, are therefore directed this instant to send a reinforcement to the Captain’s Guard for the effectual custody of the prisoners confined there, and you will direct that no soldier be allowed to take away any prisoner. Do not allow the neglect or delay ofa second to occur in this matter, for, if such things be permitted, our authority must be deranged. Be assured of our kindness.
Note on the reverse by mirza Moghal probably,
but with out signature or seal
A guard has been stationed, agreeably to the orders of the
Royal presence, at the Captain’s Guard. Dated 15th July 1857.