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Agreement on the part of His Royal Highness the Prince Futtuh-ool-Moolk Shah, commonly called Gholam Fakhroo-deen

Agreement on the part of His Royal Highness the Prince Futtuh-ool-Moolk Shah, commonly called Gholam Fakhroo-deen

Secret Papers


March 16, 2023 at 12:28:33 PM

National Archives of India,Delhi

Heir-Apparent Hindusthan


January, 28, 1852






June 21, 2022 at 8:00:00 PM


Mohammed Q,Binghalib


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The Translation and comment by Mirza Firuz Shah:-

                                                                  Enclosure to 4.


5. Agreement on the part of His Royal Highness the Prince Futtuh-ool-Moolk Shah, commonly called Gholam Fakhroo-deen That after His present Majesty should the British Government uphold the house of Timur with the kingly title and the externals of Royalty, such as the Meiji Mura-tih,* etc., and the honorable distinction of salutes on public or state occasions,and should I be acknowledged as thehead, I hereby bind myself to fulfill the following conditions,

1st, to receive on a footing of perfect equality all Governors2nd, to remove from the Royal Palace at Dehlee and cause the Sullateens residing therein also to vacate, and make over the same to the British Government, and with my immediate family retire to and reside at the Kutub (Khaje Sahib) provided a building suited to my station
3rd, that I will relinquish to Government management all Taiool Estates, receiving the revenues thereof.
Executed on the 23rd day of January 1852 at Kutub.
6. From J. TunitxTOX, Esquire, Secretary to Government, North- Western Provinces, Ayra, to Sir IIexri' Fliiot, K. G. B., Secretary to the Government of India with the Governor-

General, —dated Lieutenant-Governor’s Camp, 28th January 1852.

.With reference to your letter to my address, No. 72,dated the 30di November last, on the subject of the succession to the throne of Delhi and of the arrangements consequent thereupon, I am directed to forward, for submission to the*y. 13.Most Noble the Governor-General, copy of a letter from the Agent at Delhi to my address, No. 7, dated the 24-th instant, and of its enclosures.

2. The Governor-General will perceive that the Prince,Mirza Fukrooddecn, has fully agreed to all the four points enumerated in paragraph 12 of your letter above quoted,provided he is allowed to succeed to the nominal throne, on the demise of his father, retaining the kingly title and the usual signs and distinctions of royalty.


3. The Prince has at the same time preferred three requests, as detailed in paragraph -4 of the Agent'’s letter. The purport of those requests is that he shall be at once placed, with regard to ceremonial and allowances, in the position usually occupied by the IIcii'-Apparent, and that he shall receive the arrears of salary,calculated on the scale from the decease of the last heir. The Lieutenant-Government as Understands that these arrears are now in deposit, and that,

Heir-Apparent if d to the Prince, they will be at the dismissal of and the conditions i'm- the King as part or the sum specially assigned for himself posed. immediate household.

4. Sir T. Metcalfe has pointed out (paragraph 4) that a compliance with these requests will be tantamount to the acknowledgment of the Prince as Heir-Apparent. This is doubtless true, but the Lieutenant-Governor does not think that the requests on that account be refused. On the contrary. His Honor would suggest, for His Lordship's consideration, that it will be the best and most dignified course at once to recognize the Prince, and at the same time to make known the measures which are to be adopted on his accession.


5. As regards the first of these points, it is not to be supposed that the intentions of the British Government in favor of the Prince can remain concealed. The circumstance of his being the natural heir to the throne, together with the steady refusal of the Government to encourage the pretensions of the only other candidate, have already, in public opinion, placed his succession beyond a doubt. The fact of his late private interview with the Agent has strengthened this conviction. The public recognition of the Prince as Heir-Apparent could therefore neither widen the breach between him and his father nor produce any other inconvenient result. It would only place the Prince in his true and proper position,and would put an end to all intrigues and hopes in other quarters.


6. As regards the other point, there seem to be strong reasons why the arrangements, which are to take place on the demise of the present King, should be now promulgated.Steps might then be immediately taken for enlarging the house at the Kutub, so as to fit it for the reception of the next successor and for those members of the KoyalFamily who are to reside with Negotiations might also be commenced with those among the sullateen who are hereafter to find their own residence. It is presumed that these men will receive compensation for relinquishing their present houses within the Palace and to enable them to procure or build houses elsewhere. The determination of the j)roper amount of compensation in each case will be a work of time and trouble, and it will be productive of much confusion if the whole has to be attempted at once. It may also be observed that the difficulties attending these operations will be much increased if the experienced officer who now fills the post of Agent should not be at hand to conduct them.


7. The Lieutenant-Governor ventures to remark further upon this head that, now that the sentiments of the next heir have been ascertained as regards the evacuation of the Palace and the other measures adverted to in your despatch under acknowledgment, ifc may be preferable to i-est the actual adoption of those measures rather on the resolution of the British Government than on the consent which has been obtained from the Prince. The arrangements might be de-cleared to proceed from the will of the Government, based on a conviction of their expediency for all parties, instead of being enforced merely a.s the result of a negotiation with one of the candidates for the succession.


8. The further receipt of the Prince, mentioned in paragraph 6 of the Agent's letter, does not seem to retire immediate orders. It is probable that no objection will be made to allowing the stipends of those members of the family who may be allowed to reside with him at the Kutub to pass through his hands. As connected with this point, However, I want to submit the following observation. It was not the intention of the Lieutenant-Governor, in the previous correspondence, to recommend that the parties who should be allowed to reside with the reigning Prince should be restricted to his own immediate descendants. It was proposed that the sons and grandsons (but no more distant relations) of any former King should also enjoy the same privilege if they desired to avail themselves of ifc.Honor does not think that any inconvenience would arise from this extension of the rule, as laid down in your letter, while it would diminish the anomaly of according- the kingly title to a Prince, with no dependents but those lineally spring from him.

9. The question alluded to in the concluding paragraph of Sir T. Metcalfe’s letter is left for the consideration of the supreme Government.

7, From F. Thomas, Esquire, Officiating Under-Secretary to the Government of India, to the Secretary to Government, Forth-Western Provinces, No. 6, dated Fort William, 27th February 1852.

I HAVE the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch dated the 2Sth ultimo. No, 7 A, announcing the entire success of the negotiations which the Agent at Delhi was directed to open with Prince Mirza Fukrooddeen relative to his succession to the throne of Delhi

2. In reply, I am directed by the Governor-Generalin Council to request that you will convey to the Agent at Delhi an expression of the satisfaction of the SupremeGovernment at the conclusion of this question and of its thanks for the successful adjustment he has made of the several points connected with the succession to the throne of Delhi

3. The Governor-General in Council observes that the Prince, in consenting to the proposals submitted to him, made four requests—

.(1) that he receive the salary of the Heir-Apparent, with the arrears in deposit

(-2) that the Guard at the Palace Gate salute him ;
{3) that the Agent visit him ;

(4) that the distribution of the Royal stipend should on his succession be entrusted to him.


hi Honor the Lieutenant-Governor strongly recommends the concession of the three first requests for reasons fully stated in your letter under acknowledgment

The Governor-General in Council considers those reasons to have much weight, and concurs with the Lieutenant-Governor in thinking that it would now be desirable to recognize Prince IMirza Pukrooddeen as Heir-Apparent. But the Supreme Government is precluded from doing so by the orders of the Hon'ble Court.

In their despatch dated I8th June ISol, the Hon’ble Court expressed their opinion “ that no formal recognition of his (Prince jMirza Fukrooddeen’s) rights by the British Government is expedient while the King urges the claim of a younger son.

The case will, therefore, be submitted for the reconsideration of the Hon’ble Court in its present aspect.

5. It is very undesirable that the future King should have any power in the distribution of the stipend among the members of the family.

6. His Lordship in Council is not prepared to assent to the extension of the number of those who may be permitted hereafter to reside in the King’s Palace. Before forming any definite judgment on this point. His Lordship in Council wishes to be informed how many persons would be entitled to a residence in the Palace of the next King if the rule proposed by His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor (namely to admit the sons and grandsons but no more distant relation of any former King) should be established. Sir T. Metcalfe can readly supply this information.

8. From IF. Mvir, Esquire, Officiating Secretary to Government, North-Western Provinces, to Sir T. T. Metcalfe, BartAgent to the Lieutenant-Governor, North-Western Provinces, Delhi, —No. 99, dated Agra, 5th March 1852.
With reference to your letter No. 7 of 24th January last,on the subject of the succession to the throne of delhi auditions im posed.and of the arrangements consequent thereupon, I am directed by the hon'ble lieutenant governor to transmit you the accompanying copy of a correspon- dence which has taken place with the Government of India on the subject, and to request that you will furnish the in- formation required in the last paragraph of Mr. Officiating Secretary Thomas''

2. The Lieutenant-Governor authorizes you to make such a communication as you think right to the Prince on the subject of this dispatch.

9- From Sir Theophillu Metcalfe, Bart., Agent, Lieutenant-Governor, North-Western Provinces, Dehlce, to TF. Muir, Esquire, Secretary to Government, North-Western Provinces, Ayra,—No. 16, dated Dehlee, loth March 1852.
 With reference to the 1st paragraph of your despatch No. 99 under date the 5th instant, I have the honor to submit the accompanying, statement of the Royal Family prepared as correctly as was practicable from the records of this office.

2. The present state of the family, even if called for through His Majesty, which it is not under existing circum-stances expedient to do, could not be relied on for accuracy of detail, for by the time the bulky document was completed corrections would become necessary in consequence of births and deaths.

•3. I have not deemed it advisable to make any communication to Prince MirzFutteh-ool-.Moolk. I could only do so in writing, of which His IMajesty would speedily be a])pious, and the Prince's condition would then be rendered more grievous than at present. He has already been deprived of the Hon'ble office of Kmarni, which he has held since His Majesty's accession, with all its retinue, perquisites, &c., and threats have been conveyed to him of reducing his monthly allowance and taking from him the revenues of two Taiool estates now enjoyed by him.

10. Statement of the Boyal Family of Delhi, descendants of the Emperor Timur the Great prepared from one received from His present Majesty in May 1818, and subsequent documents in respect to deaths reported to the Ay


Delhi Agency

The 15th March 1852 T. T. METCALFE,

Agent to the Lieut .-Governor,

North- western Provinces.


From the Secretary to Government, North-Western Provinces,

Fakruddin as Alley, Esquire, Secretary to the Government of

Heir-Apparent India,—No, 117, dated 20th March 1852,

A COPY of Mr. Thomas' letter No. 6j dated the 27th
February conveying the commands of the lost Noble the Governor-General on the future succession to the throne of Delhi, having been transmitted to the Agent, I am directed to forward for His Lordship's information a copy of the Agent's reply.

2. "With reference to paragraph 6 of the letter above referred to, the Lieutenant-Governor desires me to observe that he would recommend that the 19 sons and 131 sons' sons entered under the headings 3 and 5 of the statement supplied by the Agent be allowed to reside in the Palace. If some such rule as this be not adopted, His Honor remarks that a general expulsion of the brothers and nephews of each titular King will take place on his demise, and that this would form a recurring source of hardship and irritation.


3. The Lieutenant-Governor desires me to request attention to paragraph 3 of the Agent's letter. His Honor proposes to intimate to the King that the British Government will not permit the diminution of the income of the Prince, and, in case of the intimation being unheeded, to instruct the Agent to pay the Prince's allowance direct from the Treasury.


12. From G. Alley, Esquire, Officiating Secretary to the Govern- ment of India, to the Secretary to Government, North- Western Provinces,—dated Fort William, 10th April 1852.


I HAVE the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated the 20th ultimo. No. 117, respecting the future succession to the throne of Delhi.


2. In reply, I am directed to state that the GovernorGeneral in Council approves of the intimation, as conveyed in paragraph 3 of your letter, which His Honor proposes to make to the King to the effect that the diminution of the income of the Pi’ince will not be permitted.


From the Secretary to the Government, North- Western Provinces, to Sir T. T. Metcalfe, Bart., Agent to the Lieutenant-Governor, North-Western Provinces, Delhi,

No. 136, dated 17th April 1852.
With reference to your letter No. 16j dated 16tlh ultimo,connected with the future succession to the throne of Delhi,


I am directed to transmit to you the accompanying copy of a correspondence with the Government To Officiating Secretary to . Government of India, Foreign of India On the subject, and to Department, dated 20th March intimate to the From Officiating Secretary Kin» the determination of Govern to Government of India, Foeign Department, in renly meant not to permit any diminution of the income of the prince


14. From Sir Theophilus Metcalfe, Bart., Agent, Lieutenant-Governor, Forth-Western Provinces, Dehlee, to William Mvir, Esquire, Secretary to Government, North-Western


Provinces, Agra,—dated Dehlee, 5th July 1852.

I HAVE the honor to forward the accompanying’ Persian Piovision pro- and English Waseeqas from His majesty of Delhi to the address of the most Noble the Governor-General of H^mnfand

India, having reference principally to a monthly provision, after his demise, for the favorite Begum—the Nawab Zeeniit Mahul Begum—and the young Prince Mirza Jinvan Biikht at Rs. S,323 and Rs. 2,077 respectively, with the addition of grant to the begum of four villages in perpetuity

2. I need hardly add that in respect to the money allowance the subject can only be considered on His Majesty's demise, and that in regard to the grant of villages. His Majesty's incompetency to assign away the revenues of the Crown estates, beyond the period of his own life, has long since being ruled.


3. His present Majesty claiming to himself the right to fix the allowances of his late father's family refused to assign to the Unwur Mahul Begum the sum of Rs. 500 per mensem, which the late King at my last interview with him urgently requested might be settled upon her as his widow, so that the right now advanced is at variance with the rule prescribed by himself.



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