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To His Majesty the King of Delhi (1852)

To His Majesty the King of Delhi (1852)

Secret Papers


March 16, 2023 at 12:26:52 PM

National Archives of India,Delhi

To His Majesty the King of Delhi (1852)



September, 8th 1852






June 22, 2022 at 8:00:00 PM


Mohammed Q,Binghalib


Mughal Library Copyright WaterMark.png


To His Majesty the King of Delhi.

After compliments,—I have the honor to acknowledge

The receipt of two despatches fi-om Your Majesty dated res-General.res pectively the 16th June and 5th July last.

Despatches having been received from the Hon^ble the Court of Directors, I am now enabled to reply to the questions which Your Majesty has put upon the several subjects contained in your communication acknowledged.

I beg to inform Your Majesty that the British Government is prepared to recognize as your Heir-Apparent Prince Fukrooddeen, in whose favor the necessary orders will be given.


The Government of India has not received orders from the Hon'ble the Court of Directors to pay the additional stipud to which Your Majesty refers. Your Majesty not having fulfilled the conditions upon which the offer of addi- tional stipend was made.

The grants which Your Majesty has made to the Begum and to Prince Mirza Jawan Bukht, Your Majesty must be sensible cannot be upheld ; they may be maintained during Your Majesty^s own lifetime, but cannot now be extended beyond that lifetime, for this would be contrary to former Practice.



                                                                                                        8rd September 1852.

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