Enquiry about Firuz Shah (Karim Us-Shuja) dated 11th December 1873 at Kashgar
Enquiry about Firuz Shah (Karim Us-Shuja) dated 11th December 1873 at Kashgar
Secret Papers
March 16, 2023 at 12:25:13 PM
National Archives of India, Delhi
Yarkund Mission
The National Archives of India is located at the intersection of Rajpath and Janpath Road
Foreign Department
December 11, 1873
Secret Branch
June 21, 2022 at 8:00:00 PM
Mohammed Q, Binghalib

The Translation and Comment
Mohammed Q, Binghalib:
of Original Document:
Enquiry about Firuz Shah dated 11th December 1873 at Kashgar
From-Her Majesty's Envoy and Plenipotentiary to Yarkund,
To-Secretary to the Government of Tudis, Foreign Department.
My previous communications will have informed you of our arrival at Yarkund and of the honorable reception of the Mission by the Dadkhwah, Mahomed Yums, and of his arrangements for our comfort during our stay in that city.
I have now the honor to report our arrival at the capital of the Atalik Ghazee. We left Yarkund on the morning of the 28th November being ac companied by Mirza Mahomed Yakoob and Tash Khoja, two of the Dadkhwab's officials. On reaching Akrolat on the second day's march we were met by Khal Mahomed Punjsudhashee, the Military Governor of Yangi Hissar, with an escort of Cavalry, whom the Atnlik had sent to meet and conduct us to Kash gar. At Yangi Hissar, the third day's march, we were most comfortably lodged in In quarters prepared for us in a garden outside the town. Here we halted for two days, moeting with the greatest attention from the authorities, the Punjsudbaslee and his soliders waiting upon us in person
On the 3rd December we resumed our march and next day arrived at our destination. At Karasu, about three miles from the fort of Yangi Shuhr, we were met by Mirza Ahmed Kooshbegi, one of the hightest officials at the Afalik's Court, and were escorted by him to our quarters in the new "Elchi Khden or Embassy which has been built purposely for our accommodation just outside the gate of the Fort.
The buildings cover a large space of ground and contain suites of rooms for the officers of the Embassy, with separate courts and rooms for our followers, excellent stabling for 50 horses, and a court-yard for our mules and baggage animals. The whole arrangements in this Embassy building are admirable and bear ample testimony to the desire of the Ruler of this country to give a hearty welcome to the British Mission.
I Soon after our arrival, Toora Zhirar Khan, the Vakeel of the Atalik, who came to India in 1872, called to present the Atalik's compliments and to request that we would at once proceed to be introduced to His Highness without waiting for a formal reception. Accordingly we rode inside the fort, and, dismounting at the palace gate, passed through three Courts to the private. apartment of the Atalik.
Guards of soldiers were ranged round the sides of the two outer Courts and on the outside of the gate: in the third Court not a soul was visible.
Thrar Khan went inside and then returning requested me to enter alone. I was received by His Highness standing, who gave me a warm shake by the hand, and after the usual compliments asked after the health of Her Majesty and of His Excellency the Viceroy. He then seated me on the carpet Reside himself and questioned me as to my treatment by his officials on the road.
A salute of 15 guns was fireil as I took my scat. After a few minutes' conversation he called in the officers of the Mission one by one, and shook hands with them, requesting them to be seated by my side.
There was a little conversation, after which the usual Dasta: Khwan of tea, fruit, bread, &c., was spread, and when this was removed the Atalik said: "You are most welcome," this being accompanied with a sign that the interview was over we rose and took our departure, being escorted back to our horses by Thear Khan. Ayed Mahomed Punjsudlashce accompanied us to theEmbassy.
It was arranged that the letters from Her Majesty and from His Excellency the Viceroy should be delivered on Thursday, the 11th December, and previous to this Synd Yakoob Khan called to inform me that his master had assumed the title of Ameer, and had exchanged that of Beg fr Khan; so hat hence forward he will be addressed as Ameer Yakoob Khan. The name of the Sultan will be used in the Khubba (public prayers), and coins will be struck henceforth with the name of Ameer Yakoob Khan on the face, and with that of the Sultan on the reverse.
To-day, the 11th December, I have had the honor of delivering the letters with the presents, those accompanying Her Majesty's letter being given apart from those offered on behalf of His Excellency the Viceroy. The ceremony was conducted with all due regard to the importance of the ocension on our part, and the Ameer showed his sense of the honor conferred on him by bestowing greater care on the mode of our reception, than at our first visit.
When delivering the letters I expressed, in a few words, the pleasure which the news of His Highness' prosperity had given to Iler Majesty and His Excellency the Viceroy, and I congratulated him in their names on the success which Ind attended Synd Yakoob Khan's mission to Constantinople.
In return the Ameer with great warmth gave expression to his feelings of gratitude to Her Majesty for the notice thus bestowed on him, and he dwelt with emphasis on the very valuable assistance rendered to his negotiations at Constantinople by the British Government.
He also alluded to the facilities afforded to traders between Hindoostan and his country and expressed his desire to co-operate with llis Excellency in introducing further improvements.
Having thus opened the door for the discussion of commercial matters, I trust that ere long I shall have an opportunity of submitting the proposed Treaty for His Highness' approval.