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Translation of a Letter from Thomson Lieut. Government of N.W Province to the Emperor is Unable to Forward his Letter to Queen of England. The Government General Should be Approached in the Matter.
Translation of a Letter from Thomson Lieut. Government of N.W Province to the Emperor is Unable to Forward his Letter to Queen of England. The Government General Should be Approached in the Matter.
Secret Papers
March 16, 2023 at 10:03:21 AM
National Archives of India,Delhi
November 10, 1849
September 17, 2022 at 8:00:00 PM

From , Major Arthur,
Political Superintendent in Palanpur. (Town in Gujarat India)
To, Brigadier William L B
Commanding F.B Dessa (Town in Gujarat India)
I have the honor to inform you of the information received from Lance Taique Shack Moojoo (Taki Sheikh Muju) of the 6th Regiment N. D. a person has been apprehended at Patan (town in Gujarat) on suspicion of his being fheroz shah (Firuz Shah) one of the sons of the late King of Delhi, who was in rebellion against the British Government . I have to request that he be kept in safe custody under a European guard, pending instructions from the government. This man has been sent in charge of a Cavalry guard
Patan, 31st
December 1862
I have the honor to be
/Signed E.F Arthur
Political Superient.
/True copy/
/Signed E.T Arthur
Major E.P Arthur, Political. Superintendent. Palanpur. (Town in Gujarat India)
Henry Lacon Anderson, Chief Secretary to the Government of Bombay.
Dated 2nd January 1863.
I have the honor to acquaint you with the information of His Excellency the Governor in council, that I proceed to Patan on an invitation from His Highness the Gaikwad to meet him on the night of the 30. Attime a man named Shaikh mojoo Lance Naik of the 6th Regiment Bombay Native Infantry came to me. Feredrick assistant to the resident of Baroda; in attendance on His Highness; the Gaikwad, and told him that he had overstaid his leave as a few months ago he became acquainted with the fact that one Firuz Shah a son of the Late Ex-King of Delhi,who was in rebellion against the British government from his corps, having been duly communicated to and reported. by the Patan authorities appeared tolerably satisfactory evidence that his subsequent prolonged absence arose from a desire to perform an act of signal legally to the Government, and which he has carried to a successful issue with creditable destiny and address.
This informer will be placed at the disposal of the Brigade authorities at Deesa, as his testimony will have to be given before the tribunal which may be charged with investigation of this important matter.
The greatest caution was observed by associating within the Kamadar (local Government head officer) of Patn in the capture of this person to avoid any risk of giving offense to His Highness the Gaikwad within whose territories. This person captured a reward that has been offered and who has sought safety from sutributive justice in a life of obscurity assuming garb of a medicant, thing the out a precarious subsistence by practicing as a Doctor dealing in drugs and charmes, and distributing written portions.
From which are gladly purchased, by the superstitions, alike efficacious for the cure of bodily and mental ailments. I would beg to submit the most ready memos. That occurred to me for clearing up the mystery attached to this person by forwarding him under escort to Delhi where there will probably be no difficulty in his identification.
The fact of the Lance Naick producing à property furlough pass, and the statement made by him of his illness and conséquent absence from out the person from whom he says he purchased the drug at Patan.
It will be observed from the translation of this. person's statement, herewith enclosed, that he declares himself. to be Mohommed Shah son of Dara Bakt the Heir-apparent of a Bahadur Shah the late Ex-King of Delhi. His whole account. of himself which was given with reluctance and prevarication wears an aspect of extreme. improbability, for his statement of having come so many hundred. miles without the successes of making a motive offering to the shrine of the Makhdom Sahib in Patan, appears utterly insane and must be viewed with great suspicion.
I Am respectful of the opinion that this person is not. Firuz Shah, he certainly is ruanissary from scattered members of the late Court of Delhi or indeed may be one of the wretched fugitives for whose capture Government had come to Patan. He stated that it was known amongst the Muslmans of patan that this person was indeed the said Firuz Shah.
After consultation we determined to apprehend this person for which purpose we proceeded together to the place where the supposed prince had taken up his residence, captured him without difficulty, whilst in the enjoyment of mid day sista and the man has been forwarded in under in escort kindly furnished by His Excellency the Commander in chief, with a letter (copy of which is inclosed) to the Brigadier at Deesa with a request that he may be kept in safe custody pending the instructions of government.
On the supposed Firuz Shah. a person being searched for a piece of arsenic was found which he said he had purchased. with the intention of using it for medicinal purposes. He declared himself to be unable to point out that the person had sought concealment, any formal application for his surrender would have gained immediate publicity, and would have probably ended in a furtile search. The greatest secrecy was observed, as we went in Country carts, alighted, affected the capture, placed the prisoner in one of the carts,and returned by another route without more than two or three chances of the passenger knowing anything about the matter.
I earnestly hope that His Excellency the Governor in Council may be pleased to accord his approval of the measures taken by Mr. Fenwick and myself, in the conduct of a delicate business which appeared to us to require prompt action.
I have the honor to.
Sign / E.P Arthur
Political Superintendent Palanpur Agency Office
2 January 1863
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