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Baldeo Zamindar Firozabad to the Emperor Complain that the Sepoys Do Not allow him to Bring In the Grain Form the Old

Baldeo Zamindar Firozabad to the Emperor Complain that the Sepoys Do Not allow him to Bring In the Grain Form the Old

Secret Papers


April 4, 2023 at 6:19:07 AM

National Archives of India


Baldeo Zamindar Firozabad to the Emperor Complain that the Sepoys Do Not allow him to Bring In the Grain Form the Old.

The National Archives of India is located at the intersection of Rajpath and Janpath Road


June 28, 1857






April 3, 2023 at 8:00:00 PM


Mohammed Q, Binghalib

Timurid (Persian/Turkish/Arabic)

Mughal Library Copyright WaterMark.png

The Translation and Comment


 Mohammed Abdulkarim:

 of Original Document:


To—The  King  !  Shelter  of  the  World  

RESPECTEULLY  SHEWFTH,—That  owing  tothe  unsettled state  of  the  times,  and  in  consequence  of  the  City  gates  being kept  closed,  your  Slave  has  stored  the  produce of  his  Winter crop  of  Grain  of  the  Agricultural  year  1264,  on  the  premises of a  relation  in  the  old  Fort.  The  Officers  of  the  Regiment Stasioned  there  now  oppose  its  removal,  and  your  Slave  is pressed  for  payment  of  his  rent  for  the  year  referred  to,  by  his Jandlord  Syad  Abdulla,  Mafeedar*,  Your  Slave  therefore 


          Trusts  that  an  order,  under  your  Royal  signature,  may  be  sent to  the  Officers  stationed  in  the  old  Fort,  directing  them  not  to oppose  the  removal  of  the  Grain  to  the  City,  so  that  your  Slave may  sell  it  and  pay  his  rent.  The  petition  of  the  Slave  Baldeo, Cultivator  ofthe  Village  of  Ferozabad  Khadir  endowment  to the  Shrine  of  Sharif  Hazrat  Muhammad  Chisti.

Autograph  order  by  the  King,  in  pencil 

Ahsan  Ulla  Khan,  have  an  order  written. Note on the   Reverse—An  order  has  been  written. 


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