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Arrival of Firuz Shah (Karim Us-Shuja) the Delhi Rebel from Asterabad at a Shine near Teheran Capture and Release of a Person Supposed to be Firuz Shah (Karim Us-Shuja) but who really is the Son of Dara Bukht.
May 4, 1863
Belongs To
Firuz shah (Karim Us-Shuja)
Held At
National Archives of India
Humayun II 1858-1877
Arrival of Firuz Shah (Karim Us-Shuja) the Delhi Rebel from Asterabad at a Shine near Teheran Capture and Release of a Person Supposed to be Firuz Shah (Karim Us-Shuja) but who really is the Son of Dara Bukht.
File No:- Progs., Nos.88-94, May 1863
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