Enquiry about Firuz Shah(Karim Us-Shuja) dated 19th August 1864 at Simla During Mughal Emperor Humayun II 1858-1877

August 18, 1864

Belongs To
Mirza Firuz Shah

Held At
National Archives of India,Delhi

Humayun II 1858-1877
Movements of the rebel Feroze Shah.
From the Secretary to Government of India, Foreign Department, with the Governor General, to the Secretary to Government of Punjab and its Dependencies,- (No. 395, dated Simla, the 19th August 1864.)
MR ALISON, Her Majesty's Envoy in Persia, has been informed by one of his correspondents that the rebel :Feroze Shah has started from Herat for Bokhara with the intention of proceeding to Cabul. In communicating this information to the Lieutenant-Governor, I am directed by the Governor General in Council to request that the British vakeel at Cabul may be instructed to look out for Feroze Shah and report his movements should he proceed thither.
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