Letter sent from Mian Noor Ali Khan, on behalf of Mirza Firuz Shah (Karim Us-Shuja) to Maharaja and the Dewan Anna Sahib of Chirkari on 9th October 1868 During Mughal Emperor Humayun II 1858-1877
October 12, 1868
Belongs To
Mirza Firuz Shah
Held At
National Archives of India,Delhi
Humayun II 1858-1877
A Letter sent from Mian Noor Ali khan, on behalf of Mirza Firuz Shah to Maharaja and the Dewan Anna Sahib of Chirkari.
Date: 13th October 1868
Translation of a Rubacari from the Office of the Durbar of Chirkari, dated 9th October 1868)
A letter was brought in this day by Isree Hurkara of this State, who s stationed at the Mahoba Post Office, for the purposes of receiving and bringing all correspondence coming by that Office. The letter is written by one Mian Noor Ali Khan from Shahjehanpore, and is addressed to His Highness the Maharaja and the Dewan Anna Sahib. On opening the letter its purport was found to be as follows:
Feroze Shah of Delhi was in the western frontier. He has asked to be informed quickly as to what the strength of the British troops was, and whether assistance and help will be afforded to him or not.
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