Muhd Shihab-Ud Din Clerk and Shaikh Muhd to Prince Muhd Azim Request him to Pay them there Wages(Prince Azim Directs Divan Jawala Nath In Pay the Wages) Muhd Azim Requests him to Pay the Selvauts of the C-in-C (Mirza Mughal) their Wages Sends Bills With C-in-C (Mirza Mughal) Orders to T. During Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah II 1837–1857

July 14, 1857

Belongs To
Mirza Mughal

Held At
National Archives of India,Delhi

Bahadur Shah II 1837–1857
Muhd ShihAbud Din Clerk and Shaikh Muhd to Prince Muhd Azim Request him to Pay them there Wages(Prince Azim Directs Divan Jawala Nath In Pay the Wages) Muhd Azim Requests him to Pay the Selvauts of the C-in-C their Wages Sends Bills With C-in-C Orders to T.
Type Of Document: Digitized Document
Department: Foreign
Year / Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 1857
Organization: National Archives of India
Identifier: PR_000002384744
File Size: 0.1
Pages: 2
Collections: Digitized Public Records,'Mutiny' Papers
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