Orders Connected with the Future Succession To The Throne Of Delhi
July 30, 1850
Belongs To
Emperor Bahadur Shah
Held At
National Archives of India,Delhi
Bahadur Shah II 1837–1857
1. From Sir HENRY ELLIOT, K.C.B., Secretary to the Government of India with
the Governor-General, to J. THORN. TOX, Esquire, Secretary to Government,
North-Western Provinces --No. 1433, dated Simla, 31st July 1850.
UNDER instructions from the Most Noble the Governor- Future General, I
have the honor to transmit, for the information of the Hon'ble the
Lieutenant-Governor, the enclosed copy of a dispatch from the Hon'ble the
Court of Directors, No. 15, dated the 5th June, approving of proceedings
connected with the future succession to the throne of Delhi.
2. Copies of the Court's letter of 16th January last, No.2, and of Minutes recorded by the Members of Government on the subject in April last are also herewith forward for his Honor's information.
Minute by the Governor-General, dated 2nd April. Minute by the Hon'ble Major-General Sir JH. Littler, dated 4th April. Minute by the Hon'ble Sir F. Currie, Baronet, dated 4th April. Minute by the Hon'ble J. Lowis, dated 5th April.
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