Reported regarding movement of Firuz Shah(Karim Us-Shuja) (December 10,1862 ) During Mughal Emperor Humayun II 1858-1877

December 9, 1862

Belongs To
Mirza Firuz Shah

Held At
National Archives of India,Delhi

Humayun II 1858-1877
December 10th 1862
My Lord,
I have the honor to inform your excellency that Firuz Shah. Where increments suice he came to Penie, have been from time to time reported this mission to his majesty government has lately arrived from calculated at a shrine four miles from their city and that he is at present residing in that place - his object is to obtain.
His Excellency
The Right Annual
The earl of elgin and Kincardine K.J.S.C.B
Money from the Shah, but as get he has only succeeded in forming a formers of 300 farmers and he has been endeavoring to get the some merchant has contracted debt at ____
To the amount of almost 700 and doubtlessly enter the Shah dufflin his with a layer have to torus increase to their city for his current reference.
Than the honor to my lord.
From Excellency
Most Obedient
W.A Monson
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