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The Emperor to Mirza Mughal Bahadur C-in-C Directs him to Send Ore Company and 50 Sawanrs to arrest Gulab Singh and His Comrades Who are Stabehidk at Patani Duing and Supply Posireiso During Mughal Emperor Bahadur Shah II 1837–1857

June 9, 1857

Belongs To
General Shahzada Mirza Sultan Muhammad Zahir ud-din (C in C Mirza Mughal)

Held At
National Archives of India

Bahadur Shah II 1837–1857
Subject: The King to Mirza Mughal Bahadur C-in-C Directs him to Send Ore Company and 50 Sawanrs to arrest Gulab Singh and His Comrades Who are Stabehidk at Patani Duing and Supply Posireiso