Celestial sphere from Katip Celebi’s
December 31, 1653
Mirza Firuz Shah
Shah Jahan 1627–1658
Celestial Sphere - Mughal Library
Taken from Katip Çelebi's Cihannüma dated 1654 from this rather simplified Northern and Southern Hemispheres observable horoscope map, in Ottoman cultural life An important part of astrology known as 'ilm'ü nücum' (astrology) shows the place. (Cihannüma, Dimension Publishing,based on calculating the positions of celestial bodies Scientific methods continue to develop,with methods and evidence (e.g. Kepler and New-tone laws) supported its development.He continued on his way as astronomy, min' 'between people's lives and the stars Astrology is the part that maintains the claims that there is a relationship.was excluded from scientific studies.Let's say this much: Planets and stars-are so far away from us that the psychological effects of things and people on us, sociological, physical… that is, its effects in every sense, more than stars and planets. For example- It means that a 70 kg person 10 m away from us, gravity on another person of weight force is the mass of the Sun 4 light-years away. 500 times the pull of the nearest star it should be more. (What that person can do on us psychological, social…. possible pressures are taken into account.This effect may become even more important if To shed some more light on the subject- process targeted by astronomy and astrology make a comparison of the act will be useful. Muhgal Library
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