Tatya Tope & Autograph of Tatya Tope

December 31, 1857

Mirza Firuz Shah


Humayun II 1858-1877
Tatya Tope & Autograph of Tatya Tope
Tatya Tope Ramchandra Panduranga Tope, or Tatya Tope, as he is popularly known, was one of ablest commanders the English had to fight against in India. The sphere of his action in 1857-58 was wider than that of any other leader of the revolt and he won many victories. In spite of the reverses he suffered he did not lose confidence in himself and attacked his enemies again and again. His most spectacular achievement was his coup of Gwalior on 1 June 1858. He was a marvellous guerilla fighter and after his last battle it took the English commanders more than ten months of sustained pursuit before they could lay hands on him. He was finally betrayed by a friend. This reproduction is from a pencil sketch drawn by Captain C.R. Baugh at Sipri just before Tatya’s execution there on 18 April 1858.
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