Tombs of Abu 'Ali Qalandar and Nawab Muqarrab Khan at Panipat, near Delhi.

June 30, 1820

Architectural and Building

Akbar Shah II 1806–1837
Tombs of Abu 'Ali Qalandar and Nawab Muqarrab Khan at Panipat, near Delhi.
The tombs of Abu ‘Ali Qalandar and Nawab Muqarrab Khan at Panipat, near Delhi; figures in the foreground. Inscribed on front in Persian characters:’ Naqshah i dargah i hadrat Shah Sharaf Bu ‘Ali Qalandar dar Panipat’ (Picture of the shrine of Shah Sharaf Bu ‘Ali Qalandar at Panipat); ‘Burj i Nauwab Muqarrab Khan’ (Tower of Nawab Muqarrab Khan); on back in English: 1. ‘The Tomb of Bolie Kulander, Panieputt. The Tomb of Nowab Mukerub Khan.’
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