Travellers And Escort In Katteawar ( Kathiawar )

Travellers And Escort In Katteawar ( Kathiawar )
The above image is found from the book The Indian Empire Illustrated, The London Printing and Publishing Company Limited.
Name of Katteawar is frequently applied by the natives to the whole of the penin¬ sula of Guzerat, which is situated principally between the 21st and 24th degrees of north latitude, and is bounded on the north by the province of Ajnicer, on the south by the sea and the province of Aurangabad, on the east by Mnlwa and Kandeish, and on the west by a sandy desert, the province of Cutch, and the sea. The south-western quarter of the province approaches the shape of a peninsula, formed by the gulfs of Cutch and Cambay; and the interior is inhabited by various tribes of professed robbers, who prey not only upon their peaceable neighbours, but also ou one another; and, being all well mounted, they extend their depredations to a considerable distance, and render travelling, unless in large and well-armed companies, very insecure* The influence of European association may, in some trifling degree, have repressed this tendency to lawless appropriation; but, being accustomed for ages to a predatory life, the natives of this district are very reluctantly compelled to relinquish habits congenial to their nature, and never fail to return to them upon every favourable occasion. They are a bold, warlike race, but not numerous—a circumstance partly owing to the practice of female infanticide.
The predatory disposition of the inhabitants of Katteawar (or Guzerat), renders it necessary, as before observed, that those who undertake long journeys among them should travel well protected. The scene represented in the plate shows a party of travellers, with their escort, just arriving at the halting-ground, which has been chosen on a plain, thickly scattered over with the remains of tombs and other edifices. The sepulchres of India are so completely devoid of those features that iu other countries naturally render them distasteful to the living, that travellers seldom make any objec¬ tion to take up their temporary abode among them, as wells are generally found in their vicinity; and the localities selected are usually pleasant; while, during the greater portion of the year, the nights in India are so remarkably flue, that the shelter afforded by a pavilion open (as the one iu the plate) to alt the winds of heaven, proves quite sufficient for comfort. Fires are then speedily lighted for the evening bivouac, animals unloaded, and the baggage piled in some place that offers the greatest chance of security.A cloak or blanket, or at most a thin mat or mattress, suffices for a bed; and, altogether, a night encampment in India often embraces more of comfort than persons unacquainted with the climate and the manners of the people can readily imagine i possible.
The people of Katteawar trouble themselves but little about the distinctions of caste. Rajpoots by descent, and children of the sun, they worship that luminary; but while equally superstitious with the Hindoos, they are certainly not influenced by the same excess* of religious zeal. The province is famous for a breed of horses which is esteemed throughout India; and its camels, which come from Marwar (a district in the north of Guzerat), are also considered the finest in India, being taller, more muscular, and of a more tractable disposition than any other of their species.
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