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THE ARAB CONQUESTS TÜRKS TANG AND TIBET During Mughal Emperor Akbar III 1948-2012

Akbar III 1948-2012
Stacked Wooden Logs


Collection Name: An Historical Atlas of Central Asia book


Date: 1944 | Short Title: . | Publisher: A. H. Jalilov, | Publisher Location:

Type: Atlas Map

Place : Central Asia

Full Title:
An Historical Atlas of Central Asia" written by Yuri Bregel. This is stated on Page no19 of this book.


The Eastern Türk Qaghanate that was reborn in the 680s (see map 8) is usually called in scholarly literature the Second Qaghanate; it was ruled by the same Ashina dynasty, and its first qaghan was Elterish. His brother, Qapaghan Qaghan, succeeded him in 691, and during his rule, which continued until 716, the qaghanate reached the zenith of its might, having conducted several successful campaigns against China, defeated and subjected powerful nomadic groups in the east (Qitan) and north (Qïrghïz), and suppressed the rebellions of various Turkic tribes that had been the subjects of the First Türk Qaghanate (Oghuz and others).
In the meantime the successor of Üch Elig in the Türgesh Qaghanate, named Saqal, fought the Türk allies of the Tang, who had retreated to Bishbalïq after 699 under the protection of Tang troops. In 708 Saqal campaigned against Kucha and crushed the Chinese army in the open field, although a Chinese garrison remained in the city. However, soon after that, Saqal’s younger brother rebelled and asked Qapaghan Qaghan for help. In 711 the army of the Eastern Türks defeated Saqal in Jungharia, and both brothers were executed by order of Qapaghan Qaghan; as a result, the Türgesh Qaghanate ceased to exist for a while. The remnants of the Türgesh troops, under a member of the ruling clan named Suluk, retreated southward, through Semirech’e and across the Sïr-Darya. Pursuing them, the army of the Eastern Türks, under the command of two sons of the qaghan and his first counselor, Tonyuquq, appeared in Soghd in 712-713, where they took part in the fight against the Arabs on the side of the ikhshid of Soghd (cf. below), but they were defeated and in 714 retreated to Mongolia. After that Suluk returned to Semirech’e and proclaimed himself Türgesh-Qaghan, thus restoring the Türgesh Qaghanate.
He had to face threats both from the east and from the west. In the east, he successfully fought the Tang, captured Suyab in 719, and besieged Kucha twice, in 726 and 727 (the second time, together with the Tibetans); in the 730s the Türgesh also raided or besieged other cities in the Tarim basin and Turfan (first Kashghar and Qocho, then Beiting and Aqsu).
But of special importance for the Türgesh Qaghanate was its involvement in the affairs of Mavarannahr, which was being conquered by the Arabs in the first quarter of the 8th century.

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