
Akbar III 1948-2012
"An Historical Atlas of Central Asia" written by Yuri Bregel. This is stated on Page no 43 of this book.
In the Ulus of Chaghatay, the amir Qazaghan of the Qaraunas, who had held power since 1347, was killed in 1358 by a rival amir. His son, {Abdallah, caused discontent among the tribal leaders when he moved his headquarters from the Qara}unas territory to Samarqand, because of which he lost his authority. Then the Chaghatayid khan of Moghulistan, Toghluq-Timur, invaded Mavarannahr in 1360, and it was at this time that the career of Timur Bek began.
His Turkic name would have been pronounced “Temür”; in Iran he was known as Timur-i Lang, “Timur the Lame” (he was lame as a result of a wound), hence Tamerlane, the corrupted form in which his name became known in the West. Timur was one of the leaders of the Barlas tribe, whose territory was in the region of Kesh. When the “Moghuls” under Toghluq Timur invaded in 1360, the chief of the Barlas, Haji Bek, fled across the Amu-Darya, and Timur accompanied him, but then received Haji Bek’s permission to return.
In 1361 Toghluq-Timur Khan invaded Mavarannahr again, and Haji Bek fled to Khorasan and was killed; this made Timur the head of the Barlas. For the following several years Timur competed for power with the Qara}unas amir Husayn, a grandson of Qazaghan; sometimes they acted together against the Moghuls, while at other times they confronted one another. In 1365 they fought the Moghuls on the banks of the Chirchik, but were defeated and fled across the AmuDarya. The Moghuls tried to capture Samarqand, but were defeated partly as a result of a popular movement in the city, whose participants were called “Sarbadars” by analogy with the Sarbadars of Khorasan, and partly because of a horse-plague in the Moghul army.
In 1366 Timur and Husayn came to Samarqand and treacherously seized and executed the leaders of the Samarqand movement. The following three years Timur spent in almost incessant fighting with Husayn and his supporters, and was often compelled to take refuge outside the ulus of Chaghatay, in particular in Makhan (in the region of Merv), from which he occasionally raided the ulus. Timur and Husayn finally made peace in 1368. At the end of the same year Husayn moved to Balkh and began to fortify the city.
Almost all the Chaghatay amirs, including Timur, resisted this move; their troops, under the general command of Timur, besieged Balkh in 1370. Amir Husayn surrendered and was executed. Timur became the head of the ulus of Chaghatay, but for the next decade his authority was still often contested by powerful tribal leaders, and in relations with them Timur had to combine force with shrewd political maneuvers. In particular, in dealing with the tribes of the ulus, he used non-tribal troops which owed their allegiance personally to him, and this made him less dependent on tribal support. Even more important was the use of incessant military campaigns that provided booty to the Chaghatay troops and their commanders, and the success of these campaigns ensured their continuing loyalty.
The campaigns that began after 1380 were outside the territory of the ulus, and they also kept the Chaghatay troops removed from ulus politics.
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