Mir Chakar Khan Rind and his Mausoleum at Satgarha: An Obscure Chapter in the History of the Baloch in Pakistan
Muhammad Hameed
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Humayun 1530–1556
Subject Year (Time):
Muhammad Hameed
Royal Mughal Ref:
Date of Creation:
November 7, 2021
The Baloch community in Pakistan comprises a major part of the population in the country living in some areas of Sindh, Punjab and mainly in Balochestan. It is a highly profiled tribe right from the beginning of their history. Among their tribal chiefs, perhaps the most prominent one has been Mir Chakar Khan Rind. But still very liule is known about him beyond the fact that his turbulent career forced him to leave his motherland isnominiously and found a home in the Punjab along u'ith his tribe. His mausoleum at Satgarha,District Okara, is one of the few monuments of the Baloch tribe that have survived the ravages of time. Hence, there is a need to study the history of this great hero and the architectural merits of his tomb. At present the tomb is in a very poor condition unworthy of a great Baloch hero. It has suffered a lot through centuries both at the human hands and natural agencies, as a result of which, it has lost almost all of its structural beauty, decoration and even the dome. Despite the official claim of several ..'hemes prepared for its uplift, very little improvement ;an be seen on the site itself.
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