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The Royal Mughal Maps takes you back to a historical time of different eras, where you can see historical events based on the map and location of the event with all the details of the area of that time. it is our aim to be the single best online destination for map enthusiasts and researchers alike. We are keen to improve this project and participate in new research in the field of digital historical cartography. 


You can add your maps to The Royal  Mughal Maps.


We are open to partnership on national or European R&D projects. Don't hesitate to contact us!


Combining these collections allows site visitors a vast amount of information spanning several centuries of cartographic information.

Historic Map Works's map collection includes:

Special Collections (Celestial Maps, Portraits, and other historical images)


Directories and other text documents of the mughal era.


The vast majority of our database was created by scanning an original map at a high resolution by our team of highly skilled image technicians. After scanning, this team processes out the major imperfections while maintaining the look of an antiquarian map.


Maps are then uploaded and cataloged for viewing on our website. Our technicians geocode each map to a modern map to enable the search by address function. Linking the historic images in our database with geocode data allows visitors to search by modern day address or latitude and longitude coordinates. Other methods to view our maps include browsing by geographic location as well as searching our maps via keywords, town names, makers names, or simply by year.


How does the Maps work?


  • Multiple layers allow you to see an area change through time, and our Geocode feature allows you to compare historical and modern maps.

  • An easy to use interface to allow you to browse, view and print historical maps.

  • Contemporary and historical search tools. For example, you could search for a location using contemporary postcodes, place names and National Grid References, or historical parish and county names and latitude and longitude.

  • A facility for directly comparing two maps from different times but of the same location. As you pan and zoom one map, the other will follow. This allows comparisons of changes through time. If you have access to both the historic maps and contemporary OS maps through Digimap, then you will be able to directly compare contemporary Land-Line.Plus and historic maps.

  • A simple data download facility so that the maps you are viewing can be downloaded to your computer for use in a Geographic Information System (GIS) or image processing software. The map data is available in TIFF format with either TFW world files for ESRI GIS users or TAB files for MapInfo users.

  • On-line help with using Historic Digi map, and understanding the historical maps and technical issues relating to their use in the service, GIS and image processing software.

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